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Time for change is now

Fin Jackson Audio is going Carbon neutral!!


Climate change is the biggest challenge facing our generation and everyone needs to do their bit to help. That's why I am going to reduce the amount of carbon being outputted through my services and offsetting the remaining carbon.


This is everyone's responsibility to help fix and I see this as the future standard for every business! 

Carbon neautral world

Still proudly Carbon neutral


January - 8KG - 1 Tree

February - 8KG - 1 Tree

March - 9KG - 1 Tree

April - 9KG - 1 Tree

May - 8KG - 1 Tree

June - 8KG - 1 Tree

July - 8KG - 1 Tree

August - 8KG -1 Tree

Sepember - 8KG - 1 Tree

October - 8KG - 1 Tree

November - 8KG - 1 Tree

December - 8KG - 1 Tree

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